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For the Fallen - Poem by Robert Laurence Binyon (1869-1943)

   Robert Laurence Binyon, by artist William Strang.  For the Fallen Poem by Robert Laurence Binyon (1869-1943), published in  The Times  ne...

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Monday, November 15, 2021

Kayl Symons Fundraiser Held at the Allan Wilson Shellhole - 12 - 11-21

A Fundraiser was held at Allan Wilson Shellhole on Friday night on the 12th of November. The Musicians were Evan Oosthuizen, Lynton Richards, and Chris Jensen. It was a really great evening of music, food and company, and very well attended. 

About Kayl:

 Kayl Symons is a terminally ill 24-year-old Cystic Fibrosis patient in need of a life-saving bilateral (double) lung transplant. She currently has a lung capacity of only 17% and is on oxygen to assist with her breathing 24 hours a day.

The cost of the lung transplant is likely to be in excess of R2 million of which her medical aid will only pay a fraction. She will also need to relocate, at her expense, to Johannesburg to have the procedure and then reside there for at least six months post operation at her own expense.

Kayl is unable to work and is reliant on her mother to assist with her medical expenses. However, she has been doing her own fund-raising drives but the bulk of those funds have been utilized for various co-payments on her previous medical aid scheme. Due to that medical aid refusing to pay towards the operation, she he had no choice but to change schemes earlier this year and had a mandatory three- month waiting period during which time she and her mother had to fund her monthly oxygen and other ongoing medical bills herself. 

Chris Jensen

Evan Oosthuizen

Lynton Richards

The Auction

Kayl's father

Chris Jensen

Evan Oosthuizen and Lynton Richards


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